Emotional Support Animals

Do you qualify for an Emotional Support Animal Letter?

Emotional Support Animals are animals prescribed by a doctor or licensed mental health provider to an individual with a disability. The ESA’s purpose is to alleviate one or more identified symptoms of disability and/ or improve overall functioning.
In order for me to perform an assessment, a client must have an established therapeutic relationship, ideally having attended a minimum of 4-6 sessions, prior to the assessment. They should also be receiving ongoing treatment in addition to utilizing the ESA (therapy, medicine etc.)

*Assessments are not a guarantee and don’t always lead to a letter being written. A letter is only written if a client meets criteria and may benefit from an ESA letter.


Who benefits from having an Emotional Support Animal?

Anyone with a disability, whose disability creates a negative impact on their day-to-day functioning, could benefit from an ESA. Due to the fact that I am a mental health provider, there has to be a mental or emotional health diagnosis along with a relationship between the benefits the animal in question provides and the impact of the condition diagnosed.

Learn more >

photo of room filled with people in the background with microphone that appears as a government hearing

Emotional Support Animal Guidelines

View the most recent federal policy guidelines from the US Department of Housing and Development regarding Emotional Support Animal accommodations...

What is an Emotional Support Animal?

Are covered under the Fair Housing Act (FHA)

The Fair Housing Act...
  • Promotes equal access to housing without discrimination
  • Requires people with disabilities to be afforded "reasonable accommodations" to be able to enjoy the dwelling with few exceptions

Can be any type of animal, breed, or size/weight

Only Service Animals are limited to specific breeds.

Were formerly covered under the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA)

ESA's are no longer covered after the Final Rule removed ESAs as a disability accommodation which airlines would reasonably need to accommodate; this Final Rule was issued in December 2020 and took effect in January 2021

Are 'prescribed' by a doctor or licensed mental health professional


  • to a person with a disability (whereby the disability substantially limits one or more major life activities)
  • if the animal alleviates one or more symptoms or effects of the person's disability

Are sometimes referred to as "comfort," "support," or "assistance" animals

This depends on the references used in each particular law or literature reviewed

Are NOT trained to perform its supportive role


...beyond any basic behavioral or temperamental training an owner would typically initiate.

Only Service Animals are required to be trained to perform a specific task, and ESA's are NOT Service Animals.

Can be required to present documentation to housing providers and airlines 

  • Pet rent, pet fees, and pet deposits must be waived; standard deposits required of all residents may be charged
  • Are not required to wear identification (e.g., vests, tag, ID) since they are not required for daily life and only have permission to be on residential property of the person with a disability or in airports/airplanes

Does not perform specific work or tasks for a person with a disability

Are generally afforded the right, as a disability accommodation, to reside with the person with a disability in no pets or pet-restricted housing

Are you in need of an ESA assessment? Book a consult at a time to suit your schedule

All services are Telehealth based for your convenience. A free 15 minute phone consultation can help you determine if we're the right fit for you.