5 Ways to be Kind to Yourself

5 ways to be kind to yourself self care imagine life therapy st. petersburg therapist


5 ways to be kind to yourself



If you have a chronic illness you know firsthand that stress can trigger a flare up or cause the disease to become even more active.  This is why it is so important to be kind to yourself and practice good self care.   Here are 5 ways you can be kind to yourself today:

  1. Pet a dog – research shows that petting a living animal can reduce anxiety
  2.  Get a massage or a manicure – grooming and pampering may reduce heart rate and release feel good chemicals in the brain like endorphins and oxytocin.
  3. Go for a walk in the woods – It has been found that walking in nature has significant mental benefits and may reduce risk for depression.
  4. Have coffee or tea with a friend – Connecting with a friend may boost brain health and lower your risk for dimentia.
  5. Put on your dancing shoes – Regular aerobic exercise that incorporates some type of dance at least once per week can maximize brain function.

So go pet a dog and then take them for a walk in the woods! Then meet for coffee with a friend and get manicures together.  After the manicures, go salsa dancing for a night out!   Its good for your mind, body and soul.

Be Kind to Yourself!


Amanda Pratt, LCSW

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